Six Months Earlier...

Trinket runs across the peaceful and picturesque 
campus of Williams College in Williamstown,

She rushes into Hopkins Hall.

Trinket quickly weaves her way down the 
crowded hallway and abruptly stops at 
the housing bulletin board.

the little pink card

Half the bulletin board is covered
with pink cards.

Trinket lifts the pink cards to peek at the listings.

She stops on:

"FREE ROOM in exchange
for care of elderly woman

Trinket grabs one of the pink cards
and uses it to jot down the info.

Some guy (20-ish) sneaks up behind Trinket
and whispers into her ear, "Are you a sammeee?"

Without a beat, Trinket quickly spins
around and shoves this guy as hard as
she can. He stumbles back onto the floor
with "What the..?"

Trinket towers over him,
"Stay away from me!"

As the guy attempts to apologize, 
Trinket turns and runs away.



One of the 87 Starbucks in Chicago -
where BARNEY (24) and BETTY (28), 
our two ARG junkies, dressed in bohemian black, 
are seated side by side, sipping black coffee, and 
pounding away at their computers.

Betty tilts her head and looks down at the
pink card on the seat between them,
"Why isn’t this working?  We have ten
rows of the exact same set of ten numbers." 

Barney’s all hyped up on caffeine, "And those 
numbers are completely useless because they 
don’t add up, divide up -- We can convert them
to anything and I completely hate this already!"

Big breath.

Barney calms himself down, "So,  we found a pink 
card on a telephone pole with a few numbers 
scribbled on the back.  It is just a pink card.  
It could be for an art exhibit or a band or 

Betty doesn't look up from the card.

And Barney continues, "Sometimes a pink card is just 
a pink card.  It is just a pipe. C'est juste une pipe." 

Barney looks over at Betty.  She continues to stare 
down at the pink card.  He sighs, "Don't lose your
mind.  It is nothing."

Betty turns the pink card over again and again.

Barney slides back and away from his computer.  He 
sips his coffee, "Translation would be I’m not playing.
Officially O.O.G."

Betty ignores his antics and continues to study the 
little pink card. 

Barney closes his eyes, "You know Starbucks wants
this music to drive us crazy so that we will just buy the
coffee and get out of their frakkin' store.  Am I right?"
Betty continues to stare at the flyer. 

Barney continues to obsess.. "I’m right. Right? I am right."

Betty leans over, kisses Barney and then smiles,
"This is not a pipe."  

Santa Monica


HIGGS BOSON (33) drives his Prius along                
beautiful Montana Avenue in sunny 
Santa Monica, California.

Little pink cards are stapled
all over every lamp post & 
tree he passes.

Higgs slows down and squints

while he attempts to read 
one of the little pink cards.


Higgs slams on the brakes!

(stopping just inches away from Dwin)

Higgs quickly rolls down his window and
calls out to the boy, "Oh my God! I’m so sorry!"

Dwin doesn't say a word. He just looks
across the hood at the stranger and smiles.

Higgs steps out of the car, "You okay?"

Dwin continues to smile, "Its alright.
I'm okay."

The car behind Higgs hits their horn.
The horn BLARES!

Higgs stands there stunned silent.

The horn BLARES again and again.

One Times Square (New York City)

The sound of the traffic is DEAFENING.

An office window overlooking Times Square
slams shut and the sound disappears.

It is silent.

ADDISON (44), a good looking man in a nice
suit, who looks like he hasn’t slept in a year,
steps away from the window.

Addison walks down a long hallway, turns 
into his office and closes the door.

He plops down at his desk and stares over
at the pink card leaning against his phone.

Richmond, Indiana

Happy's front yard is NOT a corn field. 

Happy Rogers (38) and her yellow labrador are staring 
down at a dead rose bush. 

Her next door neighbor yells over, "You gonna burn it or shoot it?" 

Happy laughs, "Can you tell me why I bother planting one of these 
every year?" 

The neighbor waves her off, "To kill it." 

They both laugh. 

The neighbor’s husband beeps & pulls into their driveway. 

Happy watches as the two kiss and walk into their perfect little home. 

She walks across the yard to her mailbox and pulls out the usual - 
bills and credit card offers... and then spots something else.  

A pink card.

Happy closes the mailbox.